Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Theology of Money: A Book Discussion/Event

Beginning today and continuing for the next twelve days, the theological/philosophical bloggers over at An und für sich will be offering the latest in their series of in-depth book discussions. The volume under review is Philip Goodchild's very exciting and recent offering, Theology of Money. For those unfamiliar with the Goodchild's work in philosophical theology, the following interview might prove helpful. The book was originally published by SCM Press in the U.K., and so there is also a new preface accompanying the U.S. edition, released by Duke Press as part of their new and exciting "New Slant: Religion, Politics, and Ontology" series. Those, like myself, who are especially interested in Deleuzian treatments of contemporary culture, will be particularly interested in this book discussion, since Goodchild has made repeated and constructive use of Deleuze's thought.

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