Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Friday (if tardy) Florilegium

Because the last few days got away from me, I was able to post these on Friday. So, dear reader, below you will find not only some interesting links from last week, but also a few from the beginning of this one. Here follows a few internet garlands for your enjoyment ....
  • The discussion of Philip Goodchild's book Theology of Money is now officially over. Since I've previously provided links, here are the remaining ones: See these links for parts six, seven, and eight, along with the conclusion, an author's response, and a few final thoughts by discussion organizer Anthony Paul Smith, who also provides a full listing of the links to all the previous parts.
  • Over at ITM, Karl Steel offers two posts: one about working on "syllabus building" during the mid-winter break, and another briefly noting two books, Ann Rice's Angel Time and Carly Phillips' The Nature of the Blood.
  • Nicola Masciandaro on The Whim offers a catena and text on "Anti-Cosmos: Black Mahapralaya."
  • See The Immanent Frame for a very thoughtful and demographically rich post on the so-called rise of the self-identified 'no religionists," entitled, "Who Has 'Religion'?"
  • And Kvond has yet another lovely post, this time on Brian Massumi's Parables of the Virtual.
That's it for now, but more to come later in the week. Also, putting the final touches on the second part of my post on Judith Butler. Look for that, my promised conference report, and some other items before the week's end.

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