Friday, August 26, 2011

New Open-Access Journal: Lumen et Vita

In the course of googling for something random, I came across this interesting and newly minted open-access online journal, Lumen et Vita, which is the "graduate academic journal of the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry."  It looks to, at least presently, an annual publication, with volume 1 having just appeared sometime this year.  It also appears to be presently restrict submissions to members of the student body of BC's STM.  I hope that both it increases it's frequency and opens the submissions process up to graduate students at other institutions.  I think this latter point is especially important, because, unlike other fields in the Humanities (e.g., English), there are no graduate student journals of theology (or at least none to my knowledge).  I also hope they increase the number of books reviewed.

Still, the initiate ought to be congratulated, since it importantly moves theology further into the new world e-scholarship.   Here's the table of contents for the inaugural volume:

Redefining Spirit Through the Body for the Healing and Flourishing of Trauma Survivors
   Paige Cargioli

Suffering Our Way to Salvation: Ivone Gebara, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, and the Adequacy of the Cross as a Symbol for Women
  Amy Chapman

The Human as Encounter: Karl Barth's Theological Anthropology and a Barthian Vision of the Common Good
  Benjamin Durheim

From Theoretical to Practical: Developing Tillich's Aologetics
  Wendy Morrison

Millennium Development Goals and Catholic Social Teaching: Ongoing Responsibility and Response
  James O'Sullivan

The Consciousness and Human Knowledge of Christ according to Lonergan and Balthasar
  Aaron Pidel, S.J.

Book Review
God's Many-Splendored Image: Theological Anthropology for Formation
  Luis Joshua Sáles

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